Agriculture, Food Systems, and Equity

On this Martin Luther King, Jr holiday, it is more important than ever that we recognize the impacts of inequality and injustice in this country and reflect on how we can create a more just society. Local Food Hub unequivocally condemns the actions of those who are working to subvert our democratic norms and processes, and we reject extremism and discrimination in all forms. We have seen firsthand how the systemic racial and economic inequities dating back to our country’s founding are mirrored in farming and food access. The Black, Indigenous, Latino and immigrant people who built and power this country’s agricultural sector continue to face loss of land, discrimination, and unfair and harmful labor practices. Hunger and diet-related health problems in the United States fall mostly along racial lines. Local Food Hub is working to improve the prospects for marginalized farmers, build a food system with diverse, independent farms at its center, and promote equitable access to fresh, nutritious, locally grown food -- while honoring the ancestral and indigenous farming practices that can help us renew the land. Though we have a long way to go, we are working to reflect these values in the composition of our staff and board, do the internal work necessary to recognize and reject racism in ourselves and in the food and agriculture system, and share what we learn.We will continue to work with partners who are committed to food justice and who share our vision of a food system and a nation without white supremacy and violence. We hope you’ll join us.


Local Food Hub and Virginia Fresh Match


Innovations In Agriculture